Author J. Hawki

Welcome to my website!
I am J. Hawki, the author of a three-part psychological thriller series: Elephants and Chopping Blocks Retain Their Natural Color, it's exciting sequel, Catch an Elephant by the Tail, and the third book in the series, No Holes for Elephants, available now!
Exploring themes of unsated envy, latent desires and the consequences and repercussions incumbent to past criminal acts; No Holes for Elephants is the final dramatic installment of the Elephants series where all questions will be answered, all scores settled, and where a gleam of hope for the future will be revealed. Don't miss it!
My most recent Book Dreams of the Dead is literary historic fiction set in the mid-1850's. Dreams is filled with compelling characters, engrossing story lines, and spell binding intrigue.
A re-edited edition of Dreams of the Dead has been released, and the first edition is being offered at a reduced price through this website. Please inquire if interested in a limited first edition.
Signed Copies of all three books are available via this website under the "purchase" tab to the left, or you may contact me at [email protected] for your copies. They are also available on in paperback or E-book versions.
Also on my radar is a journey into my historical roots in honor of my ancestors that I have begun to loosely plot.
Books I am currently working on:
12 Lessons of a Spiritual Nature
You Never Know What's Coming, a bio-narrative about our son, Michael's struggle with the rare illness, Metachromatic Leukodystrophy or, MLD.
In a Green Tree, a 'what if?' psychological thriller with endless possibilities.
Friday Morning, a concept work book I imagined years ago that explores themes related to a sudden, communal dissatisfaction with the current state of social injustice.
Adding to my short stories also remains a goal.
Please feel free to reach out to me using the contact page to share your feedback on my books or just to say hello.
I am J. Hawki, the author of a three-part psychological thriller series: Elephants and Chopping Blocks Retain Their Natural Color, it's exciting sequel, Catch an Elephant by the Tail, and the third book in the series, No Holes for Elephants, available now!
Exploring themes of unsated envy, latent desires and the consequences and repercussions incumbent to past criminal acts; No Holes for Elephants is the final dramatic installment of the Elephants series where all questions will be answered, all scores settled, and where a gleam of hope for the future will be revealed. Don't miss it!
My most recent Book Dreams of the Dead is literary historic fiction set in the mid-1850's. Dreams is filled with compelling characters, engrossing story lines, and spell binding intrigue.
A re-edited edition of Dreams of the Dead has been released, and the first edition is being offered at a reduced price through this website. Please inquire if interested in a limited first edition.
Signed Copies of all three books are available via this website under the "purchase" tab to the left, or you may contact me at [email protected] for your copies. They are also available on in paperback or E-book versions.
Also on my radar is a journey into my historical roots in honor of my ancestors that I have begun to loosely plot.
Books I am currently working on:
12 Lessons of a Spiritual Nature
You Never Know What's Coming, a bio-narrative about our son, Michael's struggle with the rare illness, Metachromatic Leukodystrophy or, MLD.
In a Green Tree, a 'what if?' psychological thriller with endless possibilities.
Friday Morning, a concept work book I imagined years ago that explores themes related to a sudden, communal dissatisfaction with the current state of social injustice.
Adding to my short stories also remains a goal.
Please feel free to reach out to me using the contact page to share your feedback on my books or just to say hello.
Author J. Hawki combines years of experience in healthcare with a keen eye for detail to create her suspenseful psychological thrillers. Her books, Dreams of the Dead, Elephants and Chopping Blocks Retain Their Natural Color and Catch an Elephant by the Tail, are available on Amazon in both paper back and E-book formats.